I received the following question about staying in a job or quitting, after a reader read my post, "
The Graceful Exit."
I just read your excellent post and it hit home with me. It has been quite some time that I have been contemplating changing careers. I quit a co-op position after two years because I didn't feel like it fit me. After failing to find another co-op, I went back to work for that company until graduation. Later, I took offer and started full-time.
After two years, I've been moved back to where I was while co-oping, and I'm remembering why I quit the first time. I would like to quit, but I don't have a plan for what to do next. I have serious hesitations about quitting my job. If I do choose to quit my job, what is the best reason to give my employer?
Here is my reply:
Wow, I have been in some very similar situations you have.
First and foremost, you have to think about what it is that really want to do. Since you are recently out of college, you are going to have several experiences that will likely change your career track.
Secondly, a great piece of advice is to never quit a job unless you have a new job to go to. Make sure that you have the new job, in writing! Use the time to consider your opportunities. Talk to friends, family, and colleagues in the types of positions you are interested in considering. Sign up on
LinkedIn.com (Its free!).
If you have all of your ducks in a row and you are ready to leave, just tell your current employer that you wanted to pursue other opportunities. You are grateful for the time you have had, all that you learned, and the relationships you built, but its time to move on. Keep it short and nice. You may meet those folks again down the road. It is always good to leave on a positive note.
This is a great time in your life and career. Do your best and talk to as many people as you can. Remember always, you work to live, not live to work.